Category Archives: NEWS

Chip Cards – Are they Authentic



A recently printed article in a recent AARP Bulletin* explaining that while financial institutions are in the process of providing new “chip” cards, explaining “The data is protected in an integrated circuit [rather than a magnetic strip], and there’s a dynamic code that resets after each use”.  This has already started with my bank and a new debit card issued.  So far I’ve had no problems except a minor delay when I swipe my card only to find I have to insert it into another slot because it has a chip.  The whole process is quite simple and secure.

I recently joined a company who is currently working on new technology for the Smart Wallet.  This wallet is as small as a credit card and will hold approximately 10,000 cards, including your license, passport, health records, everything.

It will offer added identity protection for increased peace of mind while traveling; will allow members to earn points at select restaurants toward vacations; and much more.  The company Co-founder and CVO said, “In this high-tech, hyper-connected world, we are enabling people to use technology in a more powerful and compelling way.”

I am excited about this new technology merging into our company.  Looking forward it’s going to be a great year!  Helping family and friends find fun, freedom and fulfillment has been my goal and with the new technology rolling out, it will assure them of cyber-safety.  I’ve always been hesitant about sharing my personal information into cyber-space, but seriously, isn’t it already out there?  When you refill a prescription, your insurance information and Rx is only a click away; they only ask for your name and birthdate.

So it makes sense to carry only one small smart wallet that doesn’t weight my purse down; and have the ability to shut that wallet down instantly.  The perpetrator would not be able to use the wallet.  It will have a double-security that is exclusive only to the user.  Now that’s technology!

If you find this post helpful, please like and share it!  We welcome all feedback.


AARP Bulletin/Real Possibilities, January-February 2016.

Yahoo Finance, January 5, 2016




4th of July Fun Facts

July 4th Holiday Fun Facts

  • In 1777, thirteen gunshots were fired in salute, once at morning and once again as evening fell, on July 4 in Bristol, Rhode Island. Philadelphia celebrated the first anniversary in a manner a modern American would find quite familiar: an official dinner for the Continental Congress, toasts, 13-gun salutes, speeches, prayers, music, parades, troop reviews, and fireworks. Ships were decked with red, white, and blue bunting.
  • In 1778, General George Washington marked July 4 with a double ration of rumfor his soldiers and an artillery salute. Across the Atlantic Ocean, ambassadors  John Adams and Benjamin Franklin held a dinner for their fellow Americans in Paris, France.
  • In 1779, July 4 fell on a Sunday. The holiday was celebrated on Monday, July 5.
  • In 1781 the Massachusetts General Court became the first state legislature to recognize July 4 as a state celebration.
  • In 1783, Morovians in Salem, North Carolina, held a celebration of July 4 with a challenging music program assembled by Johann Friedrich Peter.  This work was titled “The Psalm of Joy”.
  • In 1791 the first recorded use of the name “Independence Day” occurred.
  • In 1820 the first Fourth of July celebration was held in Eastport, Maine which remains the largest in the state.
  • In 1870, the U.S. Congress made Independence Day an unpaid holiday for federal employees.
  • In 1938, Congress changed Independence Day to a paid federal holiday.

Now that you have settled down from the celebrations and fireworks, time to think about your health.

Healthy? Click here for more information