Tag Archives: hypertension

Hypertension – High Blood Pressure

16022179-prevention-of-high-blood-pressureWhether the Doctors call it hypertension or you call it high blood pressure, it is a silent killer. To avoid a lengthy post, we will shorten high blood pressure to HBP. Usually there are no symptoms. If your blood pressure climbs to an extreme high you might experience chest pain, shortness of breath, severe headache, vision changes or a nosebleed, it is a strong chance you have HBP. Of course, you should always check with your doctor immediately if you experience any of these symptoms.


How do you know whether you are at risk for HBP?

While it is more common among African Americans (according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute), men and women are equally at risk. In trying to pinpoint the exact cause of HBP its linked to family history, unhealthy lifestyle habits including smoking, alcohol, excessive salt in diet, chronic stress, excessive weight, and lack of exercise.

The first and easiest, inexpensive move you can make to help is just start moving. Walking is an all-time winner! Check with your Doctor and take vitamins that will give you a little more energy.

Our next post will give you more information on how to avoid or manage high blood pressure.

Leave your replies, comments, suggestions or how you have managed your high blood pressure/hypertension. Jomaine’s goal is to educate people on simple health issues that can be managed.

Oliver Clark’s guide to fluoxetine and alcohol. This guide explains some of the potential drawbacks of taking the anti-depressant fluoxetine with alcohol.

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