Category Archives: HOME

One Great Way to Relieve Unreachable Muscles

For years now I have read and talk to people who have experienced muscle spasms, muscle cramps, and various other muscle-related issues. More than simply having muscle pain and uncomfortable experiences, everyone had one thing in common, including myself. We simply could not reach the areas that needed relief. Massaging was impossible. Rubbing anything of relief was not possible. Simply unreachable. Until now.


So you see, I had a car accident over 15 years ago and sustained injuries to my cervical area. While I walked away from that accident and attended physical therapy for a short period, it has now come back to haunt me. Waking up one day with severe left back pain was an experience so devastating that I went to my local emergency room. After being discharged in January 2020, yes right before the public found COVID-19 was in the United States, my neurologist referred me to a great physical therapy group. Day one gave me relief after one hour of massaging, heat treatment and basic exercises I was pain-free. But don’t let that fool you. I still continued my physical therapy and learned a lot. Then came the pandemic that closed the physical therapy group down.

Although I managed to continue my exercises at home, my posture suffered and the pain came back. So here I am starting up physical therapy again. Day one of my new therapy, my therapist, Pam, recommended a tool she purchased from Amazon that allowed me to reach areas in my back and shoulders and massage the hard knots out while at home. I tried hers and was convinced It was simply a miracle. Hard to believe was that it would relieve my tight muscles by simply placing it on the tight areas and pulling. At such an inexpensive cost I was able to help myself. It actually worked and I use this tool for everything from my shoulders (I have very short arms) to my feet to my back thighs. It works on everything. This is one of the most recommended items for anyone who can’t reach those areas and want to be independent. Get the tools that help you help yourself.

Continue to follow us for more Health and Fitness helpful tips.

Understanding risk and why you must take some…

No pain, no gain… you’ve heard this saying time and time again, and its true.  If you are not willing to take risks and accept failure is inevitable, then you will never succeed.  You’ve already failed.   Many stars, like Denzel Washington, admit to failing many times before success came.  Like Denzel, you just need to be prepared to ‘fail forward’.   For it is in the trying and failing that you see what needs to be tweaked and completed.

It’s your frame of mind that is most important.  It’s all in your mindset.  Change your mind, change your life.  This is so true.  There have been times I’ve thought there was no way people would want to hear what I have to say in this very blog.  However, I continued speaking my mind, telling my experiences and now I have a very large following.  This can happen for you.  Be it a Blog, podcast, or an e-commerce store.  You can do whatever you set your mind to.  Just don’t let the negatives, naysayers bring you down.  Sometimes its simply best to keep your thoughts to yourself with negative people.  Friends, even if negative, mean well, but that doesn’t help you when you’re struggling with your goals  So keep the friends and keep your thoughts separated until you are on sounder footings.

Please continue to follow us for more helpful tips.  We will be posting more on FOREX soon


15 Things to do during the CoronaVirus Pandemic

15 Things to do during the CoronaVirus Pandemic


1. REST, REST and REST.  No alarm clock, no schedule.
Be lazy for a while. Everyone should be able to sleep 8 to 10 hours daily if you are actively participating in the State-wide Stay at home mandates.  You deserve that and soon you’ll be back to your regular schedule.

2. Call a friend or family member and catch up on what they are doing.  Check up on an elderly person who needs someone to talk to.

3. Start an on-line CHAT or regular meeting through ZOOM.

4. Read a BOOK.  With your local library you can access their on-line Books for 7 to 21 days to be viewed on your Smart Phone or Computer.  Call a student or child and read to them. All this for FREE in the comfort of your home.

5. Learn a new skill/craft. Search YouTube for anything you want to learn.    I recently spoke with someone who went to a WalMart SuperCenter and said there was not one sewing machine or supplies in the whole Sewing/Craft Section.  Everyone is keeping busy or entertained.  Join them.

6. Keep a Journal of your activities. It helps to look back at what you spent most of your time doing.  Keep a financial journal. See just how much money you are saving at home (gas, coffee, eating out, etc.)

7. Don’t WORRY. Worrying does not change anything but your health.  Everything is going to be alright. We will get through this.

8. Clean your living space. Literally. Clean your sock draw, etc.

9. Catch up on the laundry.

10. Work on a project you’ve been procrastinating about for a while.  I watched my son replace all the slats on his deck, then wash and stain it in 2 days.  WOW, that’s how you beat boredom!

11. Do your TAXES. 2019 Deadline is July 15th  Right around the corner.

12. Do your own manicure and pedicure. You’ld be surprised how much money you can save with this.

13. Dye your own hair. Condition your own hair.  Style your own hair. Or simply let it go. It’s yours to do what you want.

14. MEN – Don’t worry about shaving.  Your Barber will appreciate that you waited. Use the time to work on your truck or simply make your own MASK to wear.  Get creative!


16.And last, but not least – Watch TV, play electronic games on your Xbox, Nintendo Switch, etc. 

I could add dozens more but you get the picture.  Relax, enjoy your time and your family. The crisis will be over soon. But please STAY HOME and STAY SAFE.

(Stop wearing your money and multiply your money)