Tag Archives: mindset

3 Ways to Show Great Leadership

Today I was meeting with my Trading Team, AWG, and realized that even though I was the Team Leader, I was quite comfortable interacting with my colleagues on their level. When you have colleagues that are not selfish, afraid, or negative there’s always opportunity to grow. Being a Leader does not mean you can’t interact with your team. It means you can learn what others have to contribute as well. Being a leader doesn’t mean you need to oversee everything. Leaders collaborate, delegate, and trust the system or process. While your guidance is needed, it is not imperative that you be the sole vocal in the meeting. Allowing others to participate and contribute actually helps you realize what you don’t know enabling you to learn a little more.


MINDSET – When you have a positive mindset, optimistic mindset, and a communicative mindset, much can be accomplished. Your ability to teach and learn becomes much easier. No barriers up means everyone will learn and be creative in their own right. I’ve watched team members walk away from a great team, great opportunities, and have unbelievable potential only because they didn’t have the right MINDSET and would not stay around the ‘campfire’ long enough to allow anyone to contribute what was needed to improve and/or change their mindset. Many people walk away with many excuses and blame on others before they examine themselves and admit, even to themselves, that change is needed. More positivity and less negativity can carry a long way. Give people a chance to show our productive they can be. Let them participate in their own success. If not, again I say, they will feel useless, frustrated and quit. There’s nothing that can’t be accomplished with the right mindset.

GROWTH – allowing growth is another great to show leadership. In doing so, you actually learn what you really don’t know. Most people don’t know what they don’t know. Opening up and learning from others is a great way to help others by showing them that you’re not perfect and they are not expected to be perfect. It is a ‘learning’ process. On my trading team, my downline can pass me on the way up to their increased income so why not train them properly and allow them to grow?

NO MICROMANAGING – When leaders have their hand in everything, attend every meeting, never delegate, its showing the team little trust in their skills and abilities. You may finish what you started out to do, but it will leave a taste of mistrust and anxiety. There’s been times when I was not able to do a presentation and felt no hesitation on asking one of my members to Present. At seeing how anxious they were to handle the request I realized that member actually was much smoother at the Presentations than I was. One less job/responsibility on my shoulders and one more team member whose confident was built larger. Other members felt comfortable enough to call on their colleagues for help instead of waiting for me to have time to help. As a result, the team grew. It was a win-win for everyone.

INTEGRITY – As you strive to be ‘perfect’, don’t forget your integrity. Perfectionism creates fear in your leadership. This causes procrastination and will eventually cause you to micromanage, which is not what leaders do. Always show your honesty; be direct and truthful. Leaders allow each person to carry out what their responsibilities are on their level with room for growth. Leaders teach by example. In the field of FOREX TRADING, there is no time or room for one person to do everything, other than their own personal trading. Leaders show trust, vision, inspiration, communication, and a positive attitude. In doing so it allows to see your integrity and creativity. People tend to work harder and longer when shown trust and respect. It makes them strive to do better and many ‘think outside the box’ allowing more growth. If you are a team member, my advice to you is to focus on your abilities and they will expand. Build on those abilities, don’t be afraid to step out and step up.

So there are many other characteristics of LEADERSHIP but for now focus on how you present yourself to others. How would you like to be led? What would you do different? Focus more on your potential instead of perfection. Perfection says no one can do it as well as you. Potential opens the door and allow others to participate and create. That can only lead to growth. With as large as a team can grow, there are so many opportunities for growth and I have learned there is no I in Team and my team will have the energy and enthusiasm to meet the increased demands of growth even when I may be exhausted. Let your team in. You’ll find they have the greatest ideas.

Please continue to visit our BLOG. We are still doing a series on FOREX TRADING. If you are interested in learning trading, from home, reach out to us. The pandemic has slowed us down a bit, but we will be posting more information soon.

If you are stuck at home, visit SaVellie.com for on-line shopping. With Savellie’s shipping to my door I was able to complete my Christmas shopping without the malls or department stores.

NOTE: JOMAINE does receive a very small payment from our affiliates. Please support us while we support you.

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Understanding risk and why you must take some…

No pain, no gain… you’ve heard this saying time and time again, and its true.  If you are not willing to take risks and accept failure is inevitable, then you will never succeed.  You’ve already failed.   Many stars, like Denzel Washington, admit to failing many times before success came.  Like Denzel, you just need to be prepared to ‘fail forward’.   For it is in the trying and failing that you see what needs to be tweaked and completed.

It’s your frame of mind that is most important.  It’s all in your mindset.  Change your mind, change your life.  This is so true.  There have been times I’ve thought there was no way people would want to hear what I have to say in this very blog.  However, I continued speaking my mind, telling my experiences and now I have a very large following.  This can happen for you.  Be it a Blog, podcast, or an e-commerce store.  You can do whatever you set your mind to.  Just don’t let the negatives, naysayers bring you down.  Sometimes its simply best to keep your thoughts to yourself with negative people.  Friends, even if negative, mean well, but that doesn’t help you when you’re struggling with your goals  So keep the friends and keep your thoughts separated until you are on sounder footings.

Please continue to follow us for more helpful tips.  We will be posting more on FOREX soon


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Network Marketing – Is it Worth It?

After retirement I looked for something I could do from home, on my time, and not sell, sponsor, or recruit. These were my stipulations to the network marketing world. You see, I found that network marketing is the quickest, best way to make money from anywhere in the world to anybody in the world. I tried potions, lotions, pills, and thrills and nothing worked. So I stopped. Did my research and found that unless a person learns how to MULTIPLY their money instead of adding to their bank account, they would be working for money the rest of their life.

My network marketing in the travel industry was very interesting. Not profitable, but rewarding in a personal way. I shared a lot of discount trips and flights to a lot of people. Did I make money? No. The requirements was too steep and I didn’t want to sell or convince people that it was the best for them. You see, everyone traveled, and was looking for the best discount they could get. They did not care about staying at a 5-star resort versus a hotel. They just wanted a vacation at a very discounted price and I understood that. So I stopped pushing travel on people.

While I knew there was something out there that fit me, I had yet to find it. I researched, or rather googled, everything. Kept notes, explored a lot. And a year ago I found my millionaire friend, Randy. Through educational videos and presentations Randy taught me what the banks were doing with my money. And through his mentorship I learned how to do the same thing.

This is one of many blog posts on network marketing. Please come back to see what I found. Okay, I’ll give you a hint – cryptocurrency! Yes, I found the foreign exchange market. Did you know that crypto currency is traded 24 hours a day, 7 days a way.

Stay tuned for Part 2. I promise you will see this very soon. I am too excited about it not to share. However, I like to keep my blog posts short, so sign up for our newsletter so you can be notified when Part 2 is ready.

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