Tag Archives: motivate

Understanding risk and why you must take some…

No pain, no gain… you’ve heard this saying time and time again, and its true.  If you are not willing to take risks and accept failure is inevitable, then you will never succeed.  You’ve already failed.   Many stars, like Denzel Washington, admit to failing many times before success came.  Like Denzel, you just need to be prepared to ‘fail forward’.   For it is in the trying and failing that you see what needs to be tweaked and completed.


It’s your frame of mind that is most important.  It’s all in your mindset.  Change your mind, change your life.  This is so true.  There have been times I’ve thought there was no way people would want to hear what I have to say in this very blog.  However, I continued speaking my mind, telling my experiences and now I have a very large following.  This can happen for you.  Be it a Blog, podcast, or an e-commerce store.  You can do whatever you set your mind to.  Just don’t let the negatives, naysayers bring you down.  Sometimes its simply best to keep your thoughts to yourself with negative people.  Friends, even if negative, mean well, but that doesn’t help you when you’re struggling with your goals  So keep the friends and keep your thoughts separated until you are on sounder footings.

Please continue to follow us for more helpful tips.  We will be posting more on FOREX soon


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